Adam Hamilton on Evangelism and the Case for Methodism

In Order to Reach Non-Religious People We Must Answer Three Crucial Questions:
  • Why do people need JESUS CHRIST?
  • Why do people need the CHURCH?
  • Why do people need A UNITED METHODIST CHURCH?
Adam's answers to the above for the Church of the Resurrection:
  • Jesus is the answer to the deepest longing of every human heart.
  • The church is the physical embodiment of Jesus in the world. The church is a community that loves and accepts me, helps me grow, and then go out in service to the world.
  • Adam turns the final question to us: "What is special about your congregation?"
From Visitor to Member:
  • Saddleback' s model: Invite - Disciple - Equip - Mission
  • COR's adaptation: Invite folks to change the world, introduce them to who Jesus is, invite them into deeper discipleship, and equip disciples for service.
The Case for Methodism (United Methodists embrace both):
  • Mind and Heart
  • Evangelical Gospel and Social Gospel
  • Grace and Personal Holiness
  • Conservative and Liberal
You can check out the video at this link: "Evangelism and the Case for Methodism"

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